The Coffee Hour – Bridges and Bottle Rockets: Family STEM Activities

Sarah talks with Nikki Kueck, principal at Faith Lutheran High School of Central Texas

News Break – Voting underway for Synod president

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 – Headlines

Daily Chapel – Rev. Robert Zagore on Genesis 15:1–6 Audio File   Rev. Robert Zagore gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 15:1-6. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and homilist for…

The Coffee Hour – Vocation: [_____]’s Wife

Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger, former editor of the Lutheran Witness and now Navy Chaplain’s wife.

The Coffee Hour – Winning Summer Family Budgeting

Sarah talks with Kristen Whirrett, blogger at

News Break – The Synod is choosing a president

Monday, June 24, 2019 – Headlines

Daily Chapel – Rev. William Weedon on Isaiah 40:1–5 and Luke 1:57–80 Audio File Rev. William Weedon gives todays sermon based on Isaiah 40:1–5 and Luke 1:57–80. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and…

The Coffee Hour – Narcissism, Gnosticism, and Congregational Social Media

Sarah talks with Pastor Merritt Demski, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Waterloo, Illinois.

The Coffee Hour – Lutheran Fellowship in Cambodia

Sarah talks with J.P. and Aimee Cima, who serve the Lord in the Kingdom of Cambodia.