Rev. Michael Meyer interviews Rev. Mark Kiessling, the Director of LCMS Youth Ministry, about the resources and events they provide and support.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Iron Ladle Challenge: Food in the Psalms
Erin, Sarah, and Rachel attempt Psalm-inspired menu planning in a new twist on the Iron Ladle Challenge.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Doug Griebenaw on Mark 11:1-23
Rev. Doug Griebenaw gives today’s sermon based on Mark 11:1-23
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Finding Joy as a Lutheran School Teacher
What brings joy to elementary school teachers? Erin Rodgers shares her story!
Daily Chapel — Rev. Robert Wurst on James 2:1-9a
Rev. Robert Wurst gives today’s sermon based on James 2:1-9a.
The Coffee Hour — Serving the Lord in Latvia
What is life like serving as a missionary in Latvia? Rev. Dr. Quintin, Lindsay, and Carter Cundiff share their story!
Daily Chapel — Rev. Brian Heller on Colossians 3:17-24a
Rev. Brian Heller gives today’s sermon based on Colossians 3:17-24a.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Sean Daenzer on 1 Peter 5:6-11
Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on 1 Peter 5:6-11.
The Coffee Hour – Green Season Hymns: LSB 717, 615 & 645 (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Benjamin Kolodziej, member of Faith Lutheran Church in Plano, TX, and contributor to the Lutheran Service Book Hymnal Companion