The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Blessings of Daily Chapel

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Daenzer, LCMS Director of Worship and International Center Chaplain.

The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Message of Hope from Lutherans for Life

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Mission and Ministry with Lutherans for Life.

The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Teaching Creation from an Early Age

Andy and Sarah talk with Pastor Warren Woerth, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Arnold, Missouri.

The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Katie Schuermann and the KFUO Library

Andy and Sarah talk with Katie Schuermann, Author of several books from both Emmanuel Press and Concordia Publishing House.

News Break – Newspaper calls pro-life ad ‘racist’

Thursday, June 25, 2020 – Headlines

Sharathon 2020: LCMS President Matthew C. Harrison

Andy talks with Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison on Nehemiah 8:1, 2, 5, 6, and 8-12

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison gives today’s sermon based on Nehemiah 8:1, 2, 5, 6, and 8-12 on on the occasion of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession.

The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Partnership with LCEF

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Bart Day, President & CEO of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund.

The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2020: Benefits of Bible Study

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Glen Thomas, senior pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des Peres, Missouri.

The Coffee Hour – Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Kirk Clayton, Pastor of Zion Lutheran Church in Mascoutah, Illinois.