Mark and Julianna talk with Dr. Debbie Arfsten about how to develop congregational support for youth ministry.
The Coffee Hour – Making Christian Counseling More Christ Centered
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Richard Marrs, Associate professor of Practical Theology and director of the M.Div. and Residential Alternate Route (RAR) Programs at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Daily Chapel – Rev. Robert Zagore on Acts 28:23-31
Rev. Robert Zagore gives today’s sermon based on Acts 28:23-31.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Waking up in America
Souls have always needed more than dreams for food.
The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Play Therapy
Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.
LifeMoments – Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Isaiah 55:11/Matthew 13:3)
We may speak the sanctity of life with courage and show it with compassion.
LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Ministry Starter Pack – Social Media
Mark and Julianna are joined by Meredith Whitefield to talk about how your youth ministry can healthfully engage and share the Gospel youth and parents on social media.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} How to Lutheran with Bri: The Church Picnic
Bri attempts a definitive answer in her latest installment of “How to Lutheran,” as she offers listeners a ranked list of the best — and worst — ways to pass the time at a summertime church picnic.