Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Steven Hokana on Jeremiah 8:4-12

Rev. Dr. Steven Hokana gives today’s sermon based on Jeremiah 8:4-12.

The Coffee Hour – Happy Hobbies: Sewing

Andy and Sarah talk with Erin Alter, Director of Short-Term Missions for the LCMS Office of International Mission.

News Break – Storms slam Lutherans in upper Midwest

Monday, August 17, 2020 – Headlines

Daily Chapel – Rev. Robert Zagore on Revelation 2:12-17

Rev. Robert Zagore gives today’s sermon based on Revelation 2:12-17.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: The Confessional Mirror

The person who faithfully and prayerfully spends time with one of these confessional mirrors before communing would scarcely have to be exhorted to go to confession.

LifeMoments – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 15:21-28)

Fetuses count as human beings and elderly lives matter as much as the rest of us.

The Lutheran Witness Podcast: The Sewage Next Door

Even if our sin-soaked shortsightedness lands us in a crumbling mansion by the sewage plant, He will not leave us there.

News Break – Undercover journalist ask for charges be dismissed

Friday, August 14, 2020 – Headlines