The Coffee Hour – Christmas Music at Concordia Nebraska

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Kurt von Kampen from Concordia University Nebraska.

The Coffee Hour – Christmas Music at Concordia University Wisconsin

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Louis Menchaca and Johanna Anderson from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Sean Daenzer on Jeremiah 23:5-8

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Jeremiah 23:5-8.

The Coffee Hour – The Journey Through Grief

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Michael Keith, pastor at St. Matthew Lutheran Church and SML Christian Academy in Stony Plain, Alberta.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Equipping Youth to Witness

Jessica Bordeleau joins Mark and Julianna to talk about how to encourage youth to witness in their every day lives.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Sean Daenzer on Romans 10:8-18

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Romans 10:8-18.

The Coffee Hour – Making Disciples for Life Conference: The Rock in Shifting Sands

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Mark Wood, Director of Witness & Outreach and Revitalization for the LCMS.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr. on Genesis 3:1-19

Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 3:1-19.

The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Body Image

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Adventures in Lutheranism: The Boar’s Head Festival

What on earth is a Boar’s Head Festival? And why are the Ladies so excited to talk about it?