Daily Chapel — Rev. Kevin Robson on John 20:1-9

Rev. Kevin Robson gives today’s sermon based on John 20:1-9.

The Coffee Hour — The Lutheran Witness and KFUO Radio

Andy, Sarah, and Rev. Sean Smith talk with Rev. Roy Askins, managing editor of The Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2022: Lutheran Doctrine and Confessions

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Smith, host of Concord Matters on KFUO Radio and pastor of dual parish of Immanuel-Campbell Hill and St. Paul-Wine Hill, Illinois.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., on John 20:11-18

Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., gives today’s sermon based on John 20:11-18.

The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2022: CPH and KFUO Partnership

Andy and Sarah talk with Jonathan Schultz, President and CEO of Concordia Publishing House.

The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2022: President Matthew Harrison

Andy and Sarah talk with the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

The Coffee Hour — Sharathon 2022: LCMS International Mission Partners

Andy and Sarah talk with Christian Boehlke, Anne Gonzalez, and Krista Young from LCMS International Mission.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Michael Meyer on John 21:1-14

Rev. Michael Meyer gives today’s sermon based on John 21:1-14.

The Coffee Hour — Johannes Bugenhagen, Pastor and Scholar

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.