The Coffee Hour – Singing the Music of the Church: CTSFW Kantorei (Rebroadcast)

Andy and Sarah talk with Kantor Kevin Hildebrand and Kantor Matt Machemer from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Robert Zagore on Isaiah 32:14-20 (Rebroadcast)

Rev. Robert Zagore gives today’s sermon based on Isaiah 32: 14-20

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Story Time with Sarah: Military Chaplaincy in American History

Sarah tells the story of American military chaplaincy in general and LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces in particular. 

Daily Chapel — Rev. Michael Meyer on John 16:23-30 (31-33)

Rev. Michael Meyer gives today’s sermon based on John 16:23-30 (31-33).

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep29. You Don’t Have to Walk Alone: What It Means to Have a Christian Mentor | Darcy Paape

Join Steph and guest Darcy Paape as they unpack what it means to have a Christian mentor, and how a Christian mentoring relationship is reflective of Christ’s call to discipleship.

The Coffee Hour — Farewell to Pastor Cleland

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. James Cleland, Production Specialist with KFUO Radio and Associate Pastor-Elect for St. Mark Lutheran Church & School in Houston, Texas.

The Coffee Hour — Prof Insights Workshops with Concordia Seminary

Andy and Sarah talk with Erika Bennett, Director of Continuing Education with Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison on Acts 1:1-11 and Mark 16:14-20 for Ascension

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison gives today’s sermon based on Acts 1:1-11 and Mark 16:14-20 for the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord.

The Coffee Hour — Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Joel Elowsky, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.