Daily Chapel — Rev. Burnell Eckardt on Genesis 16:1-16

Rev. Burnell Eckardt gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 16:1-16.

The Coffee Hour — Seasons of Catechetical Formation (Rebroadcast)

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Tim Droegemueller, Pastor of Living Faith Lutheran Church in Cumming, Georgia.

The Coffee Hour — Time to Rest: Men vs. Women (Rebroadcast)

Andy and Sarah talk with Brenda Jank, founder of Run Hard. Rest Well.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Conversations with Creatives: Jessie Bell, Concordia Collective

Jessie Bell talks with the ladies about growing up as a third culture missionary kid, supporting (and being supported by) her chaplain husband, raising kids to love the church year, and finding the courage and verve to start a creative online business venture.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Benjamin Ball on Mark 5:1-20

Rev. Benjamin Ball gives today’s sermon based on Mark 5:1-20.

The Coffee Hour — Bach Week! Set Apart To Serve: Vocation of Kantor

Andy and Sarah talk with Bethany Johnson, Kantor / Director of Parish Music at St. John Lutheran Church in Topeka, Kansas.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Gathering Finishing Pack – Impact of the Gathering

God can use Gathering participants to leave an impact on the city and those residents they come into contact with.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Randy Asburry on Matthew 5:(17-19) 20-26

Rev. Randy Asburry gives today’s sermon based on Matthew 5:(17-19) 20-26.

The Coffee Hour — BACH WEEK! J.S. Bach as Composer

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Maurice Boyer, Professor of Music at Concordia University Chicago and Music Director of the American Kantorei.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Robert Zagore on Romans 6:(1-2) 3-11

Rev. Robert Zagore gives today’s sermon based on Romans 6:(1-2) 3-11.