Daily Chapel — Rev. Charles Ferry on Genesis 17:15-27

Rev. Charles Ferry gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 17:15-27.

The Coffee Hour — Caring for Pregnancy Resource Center Workers

Andy and Sarah talk with Kim Laube and Wendy Solawetz, LMFT, with Lutheran Family Service.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Iron Ladle Challenge: Thigh-Sized Zucchini

Zucchini. It’s affordable, easy to grow, deliciously versatile, and freakishly prolific. And this time of year, it’s absolutely everywhere. 

Daily Chapel — Rev. Dr. Mark Rabe on Luke 16:1-9

Rev. Dr. Mark Rabe gives today’s sermon based on Luke 16:1-9.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Culture of Church Worker Formation

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Bill Harmon, President of the LCMS Southeastern District.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Doug Griebenaw on 1 Corinthians 10:6-13

Rev. Doug Griebenaw gives today’s sermon based on 1 Corinthians 10:6-13.

The Coffee Hour — In Service to the Gospel through Word & Music

Andy and Sarah talk with Benjamin Kolodziej and Rev. Sean Daenzer.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., on 2 Samuel 22:26-34

Rev. Robert Wurst, Jr., gives today’s sermon based on 2 Samuel 22:26-34.

The Coffee Hour — St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Tyler Walworth administrator of St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf in Dearborn, Michigan.