Jamielynn Tinkey Flores joins Steph and Tiffany to talk about life ministry on an international level and the need for the Church to offer a voice for life in all nations.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Raising Up Leaders at Camp
Andy and Sarah talk with Danny Frastaci, Operations Director for Lakeview Ministries in Seymour, Indiana.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Ted Krey on Romans 9:30–10:4
Rev. Ted Krey gives today’s sermon based on Romans 9:30–10:4.
The Coffee Hour — Theological Symposium at Concordia Seminary
Andy and Sarah talk with Erika Bennett, Dr. David Maxwell, and Dr. Joel Elowsky from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
The Coffee Hour — Back-to-School Meal Planning
Andy and Sarah talk with Sara Correnti, MS RD LD, Manager of Health and Wellness with Concordia Plan Services.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Peter Lange on 2 Corinthians 4:7-10
Rev. Peter Lange gives today’s sermon based on 2 Corinthians 4:7-10.
The Coffee Hour — Vocation In Our Daily Lives
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. James Gimbel, President of Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Exploring the 40 End Goals – Christian Community
Mark and Julianna discuss Christian Community with author Cassie Schermbeck.
Daily Chapel — Rev. Shauen Trump on Jeremiah 8:4-12
Rev. Shauen Trump gives today’s sermon based on Jeremiah 8:4-12.
The Coffee Hour — Making Disciples for Life: Let Us Keep Awake
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Mark Wood, Director of LCMS Witness and Outreach, and Revitalization.