The Coffee Hour — Sharing the Love of Christ in the Armed Forces (Rebroadcast)

How do Chaplains get to make the love of Christ known in their vocations as Chaplains in the Armed Forces? Chaplains Kurtis Bueltmann, David Edwards, and Craig Muehler join us on the show to share their stories!

The Coffee Hour — Sharing the Love of Christ in the Armed Forces

How do Chaplains get to make the love of Christ known in their vocations as Chaplains in the Armed Forces? Chaplains Kurtis Bueltmann, David Edwards, and Craig Muehler join us on the show to share their stories!

The Coffee Hour — Serving Military Families through Operation Barnabas

Jill Tendler and Lee Hinton talk about how Operation Barnabas makes a difference for veterans and military families.

The Coffee Hour — St. Martin of Tours Silver Medal Recipient

Chaplain Craig Muehler talks about the St. Martin of Tours Silver Medal and this year’s recipient.

The Coffee Hour — Alaskan Chaplain

Andy and Sarah talk with Chaplain Amadeus Gandy, LCMS Chaplain at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.

Daily Chapel — Rev. Craig Muehler on Luke 18:31-43

Rev. Craig Muehler gives today’s sermon based on Luke 18:31-43.

The Coffee Hour – Serving Faithfully as an Army Chaplain

Andy and Sarah talk with Matt Christensen — Chaplain (MAJ) USA at the US Army Chaplain Center and School in Ft. Jackson, South Carolina

The Coffee Hour – Adopt-a-Chap

Andy talks with Lee Hinton, MSgt, USAF (Ret), Assistant to the Director, LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces.