“Ask the Pastor” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St. Paul/Trinity in Southern Illinois.
Thy Strong Word – Mark 9 “The Transfiguration”
Mark 9 “The Transfiguration” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St. Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in Southern Illinois.
Thy Strong Word – Ecclesiastes 11 “Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters”
Ecclesiastes 11 “Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St. Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in Southern IL.
Thy Strong Word – Ecclesiastes 1 “All is Vanity”
Ecclesiastes 1 “All is Vanity” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St. Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in So. Illinois.
The Bible Study – Psalm 37 “He Will Not Forsake His Saints”
Psalm 37 “He Will Not Forsake His Saints” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in Southern Illinois.
Wrestling With the Basics – Blind John
Blind John — Hosted by Rev. Matt Clark and Rev. John Lukomski.
The Bible Study – Psalm 17 “In The Shadow of Your Wings”
Psalm 17 “In The Shadow of Your Wings” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in Southern Illinois.
Wrestling With the Basics – Pontius Pilate
With hosts Rev. John Lukomski and Rev. Matt Clark.
Wrestling With the Basics – Our Favorite Easter Stories
With hosts Rev. John Lukomski and Rev. Matt Clark.
The Bible Study – Psalms 4 “Answer Me When I Call”
Psalms 4 “Answer Me When I Call” with guest Rev. John Lukomski of St Paul/Trinity Lutheran Church in Southern Illinois.