Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding why Jesus needed to be Baptized.
Law and Gospel — Insight Tuesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the proper distinction between Law and Gospel, especially regarding things Jesus says that don’t make sense according to human reason.
Concord Matters – Sacrament of the Altar in the Large Catechism
The Sacrament of the Altar in the Large Catechism – With host Andy Bates, DCE, and guests Rev. Dr. Herb Mueller, Jr., and David Fiala, DCE .
Law and Gospel – Insight Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the teachings of Beth Moore.
His Time – Insight Conference, Creation Club, Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith
(1) Guests talk about Insight Conference on Stewardship for Pastors – Parish Leaders – Laity, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Robert Steinke looks at Hebrews 12:1-24 and gives today’s sermonette.
Cross Defense – The Apologetic of Santa & Jesus
With guest Natasha Crain (
Reformation Rush Hour – “Fathers, Anniversaries and Merica!”
Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!
Reformation Rush Hour – “Did God Die on The Cross?”
Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!
Reformation Rush Hour – “Mohammad and Jesus “
Hear what Rev. Craig Donofrio has to say today!