Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: History of the Grave

Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller studies Genesis 23:1-20 regarding the only land Abraham will ever own, the tomb that both Sarah and Abraham were buried in that’s still in Hebron today, marriage and death as two of the perpetual factors of human existence, and the love Isaac and Rebekah have for each other.

Thy Strong Word – John 2: the Wedding at Cana

Rev. Kevin Parviz, pastor of Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study John 2.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Silly Songs with Gaven

Rev. Gaven Mize studies Genesis 22:14-24 regarding the promise of children in these verses, how this text is christological, and the picture of what is to come as framed by these verses.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: God will See

Rev. Timothy Appel studies Genesis 22:1-14 regarding how God tests His people in order to strengthen their faith, a Passover ahead of time for Abraham and Isaac, the resurrection of the dead, and foreshadowing of Jesus.

Let’s Talk! The Rev. Lance O’Donnell Is In: Parables

Rev. Lance O’Donnell from Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, answers your questions.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Strong God of the Ages

Rev. Brian Flamme studies Genesis 21:22-34 regarding the reappearing of Abimelech and what to think of him, whether Abraham’s faith is fully formed yet, swearing and vows and what they mean, what the ewe lambs mean, and the theological significance of the Lord’s name “Everlasting God.”

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Dissing Comfort

Rev. Andrew Preus studies Genesis 21:12-21 regarding when confessing God’s promises looks evil to human eyes, learning humility before receing God’s grace, Ishmael’s prayer of deliverance, and the passivity of faith.

The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2019 Recap!

Today, Andy talks with Mary Schmidt, Manager of Development for KFUO Radio.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Ultimate Fulfillment

Rev. James Preus studies Genesis 21:1-13 regarding the wonder of children, what Isaac’s birth foreshadows, the Abraham and Sarah’s faith in God’s promises, and what Hagar’s place in this story represents.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Justifying the Means

Rev. Dustin Beck studies Genesis 20:1-18 regarding making peace between Abimelech and Abraham, how Abraham tries to explain his deception, whether ends justify the means, and how God’s opening and closing of the womb is a sign of His blessing and curse.