Rev. Sean Kilgo studies Genesis 19:1-11 regarding the four sins that cry to heaven, the connection between the sins of Sodom and false teachers, how Lot tries to avoid sin by sinning, and how God preserves His people even amidst his judgment.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: God Shows Up
Rev. Peter Ill studies Genesis 18:16-33 regarding who God is and how He reveals Himself, God’s faithfulness to His promises, living righteously by faith, the seriousness of sin, how God welcomes us to pray, and God’s patience.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Son of the Promise
Rev. David Appold studies Genesis 18:1-15 regarding God’s promise to Abraham, who is visiting Abraham, the significance of the Lord eating with Abraham, why Sarah gets singled out, and why Sarah’s laughter gets memorialized in Isaac’s name.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Having Two Minds
Rev. Sean Daenzer studies Genesis 17:15-27 regarding how Sarah is also blessed through Abraham, whether Abraham’s laughter is joy or doubt (or both), the everlasting covenant for Isaac’s offspring, and Ishmael’s greatness but not the covenant.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Almighty Name Changer
Rev. Zelwyn Heide studies Genesis 17:1-14 regarding El Shaddai and progressive revelation, walking in the new covenant, name changes, and circumcision on the 8th day.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Patience and Grace
Rev. Stephen Preus studies Genesis 16:1-16 regarding the juxtaposition of God’s promise to Abram and Sarai’s barrenness, Sarai and Abram’s lack of faith in the promise, the fallout between Hagar and Sarai, and Hagar’s interaction with the Angel of the Lord.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: God Keeps His Promises (with Blood)
Rev. Adam Koontz studies Genesis 15:7-21 regarding why God makes a covenant and why blood has to be used, the relationship between faith and promise, why God uses deep sleep for delivering promises, and why God appears in fire and smoke.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Faith Doesn’t Talk about Itself
Rev. Sam Wirgau studies Genesis 15:1-6 regarding why God tells Abram to fear not, how God’s promises are a shield for Abram, how we understand all of Abram’s children in light of the Christian church, an what St. Paul draws from verse 6.
Law and Gospel — Bible Study Wednesday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding crucifixion and Passion of Jesus in Isaiah 53.