Sharper Iron: Marvelous Words about Marvelous Words

Rev. Stephen Preus looks at John 17:1-26.

Sharper Iron: Trust not in Wistful Hopefulness

Rev. Jeremiah Johnson looks at John 14:1-17.

Sharper Iron: The Oxymoron of Jesus’ Glory

Rev. Dustin Beck looks at John 13:21-38.

Sharper Iron: When God Speaks through Liars

Rev. Andrew Preus looks at John 12:1-19.

The Coffee Hour – More than a Savior

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Marv Schaefer, president of the Missouri Association for Creation.

Sharper Iron: Not Jesus’ Resurrection

Rev. James Preus looks at John 11:38-57.

Law and Gospel — Rumination Thursday

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel with guest Wes Reimnitz.

Moments of Assurance – Jesus, the Master Evangelist

Rev. Mark Hawkinson gives a meditation on John 4:3-42.