The Coffee Hour — From Generation to Generation: 90 Years of God’s Blessings

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jeffrey Nehrt, pastor of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Greenville, Illinois.

The Coffee Hour — Good Shepherd Institute: The Steadfast Love of the Lord Endures Forever

Andy and Sarah talk with Kantor Kevin Hildebrand from Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

The Coffee Hour — Celebrating All Saints’ Day the Lutheran Way

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Daenzer, LCMS Director of Worship and Chaplain for the LCMS International Center.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Formation and Vocation Culture in Churches

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Justin Panzer, President of the LCMS Kansas District.

The Coffee Hour — Celebrating 175 Years: St. John’s Lutheran Church, Arnold, MO

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jeremy Schultz, Senior Pastor at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Arnold, MO, and Jason Christ, longtime member of St. John’s.

The Coffee Hour — Introducing Rev. Jonathan Manor, Director of PALS and Continuing Education

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jonathan Manor, Director of PALS, Continuing Education, and PED Statistics and Data with LCMS Pastoral Education.

The Coffee Hour — Introducing Chaplain Brian Heller, Manager of Specialized Pastoral Ministry

Andy and Sarah talk with Chaplain Brian Heller, Manager of Specialized Pastoral Ministry (SPM) in the LCMS Office of National Mission.

The Coffee Hour — Commemoration of Dorcas, Lydia, and Phoebe: Faithful Women

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Joel Elowsky, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.