What is life like serving as a missionary in Latvia? Rev. Dr. Quintin, Lindsay, and Carter Cundiff share their story!
The Coffee Hour – Green Season Hymns: LSB 717, 615 & 645 (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Benjamin Kolodziej, member of Faith Lutheran Church in Plano, TX, and contributor to the Lutheran Service Book Hymnal Companion
The Coffee Hour — Presentation of the Augsburg Confession (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie, Professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Pursuing Lutheran Teacher Education at CUNE
What is the journey for a young person choosing to pursue full-time church work education? Elizabeth Crawford shares her story!
The Coffee Hour — Trinity Academy at Concordia University, Nebraska
A new classical Lutheran high school completed its first year on the campus of Concordia University Nebraska. Dr. Gabriel Haley and John Rabe share their story!
The Coffee Hour — LCMS Campus Ministry and LCMSU (Rebroadcast)
Rev. Richard Woelmer and Julianna Shults talk about the importance of campus ministry and how to connect to one.
The Coffee Hour — New CPH Resources: The Lutheran Study Bible App and Resilient Minds Curriculum
CPH has exciting new resources! Jonathan Schultz and Elizabeth Pittman share these resources.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Moving to Seminary
How does a family make the transition to Seminary? Ross and Jenni George share their story!