Join Steph, Tiffany and special guest, Concordia Seminary professor Dr. Leo Sánchez, as they suggest a helpful Lutheran framework for discussing immigration and care for our immigrant neighbor.
Mission Field: USA — Diaspora Mission: Reaching the New Waves of Immigrants
The Rev. Dr. Matthew Buse explores how we engage in diaspora mission to reach the newly arrived.
The Coffee Hour – Presbyterians Rescue Early Lutheran Immigrants (Rebroadcast)
Andy talks with Warren Schmidt of the Lutheran Heritage Center and Museum.
The Coffee Hour – Presbyterians Rescue Early Lutheran Immigrants
Andy talks with Warren Schmidt of the Lutheran Heritage Center and Museum.
World Lutheran News Digest – Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Service
With guest Linda Hartke
His Time – Immigration, Creation Club, Judgment on False Teachers
(1) Linda Hartke talks about Obama’s recent decision on Immigration, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Andrew Sorenson looks at Jude 1-25 and gives today’s sermonette.
Faith’n’Family – Providing Bibles in Spanish, El Paso, TX with Rev. Stephen Heimer, El Paso, Texas & Rev. Larry Rockemann, Lutheran Heritage Foundation on Bibles in Spanish on the Border
With guests Rev. Stephen Heimer and Rev. Larry Rockemann.
Faith’n’Family – Youth Immigration, and Changes in PCUSA Policy on Marriage
With guests Kim Haynes, Tara Mulder, and Rev. Dr. Gary Zieroth.
The Morning Show
With guest Linda Hartke from the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.