Sharper Iron — Advent with the Apostles: God Has Spoken to Us by His Son

Rev. Ryan Ogrodowicz, associate pastor and headmaster at Grace Lutheran Church and School in Brenham, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Hebrews 1:1-12.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Image-ing God

Rev. Timothy Appel studies Genesis 1:20-26 regarding God’s blessing of creation and the connection of that blessing with procreation, and what it means that God creates humanity in His image and after His likeness.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: It’s Really about God’s Grace

Rev. John Bombaro studies 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 regarding what a covenant means and biblical figures as representatives of humanity.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article III: Two Natures of Christ

With guests Pr. Jacob Ehrhard of Trinity Lutheran Church, New Haven, Mo. and Pr. Jason Reed of Messiah Lutheran Church, Beloit, WI.