Wednesday, February 20, 2019 – Headlines
The Student Union – Culture of Biblical Integrity
With guest Heather Ruesch of Iron Mountain, Michigan, author of the forthcoming CPH book, “Sexuality Mentality: Creating a Culture of Biblical Integrity.”
World Lutheran News Digest – Masterpiece Cakeshop
With guest attorney David French, senior fellow with the National Review Institute.
The Student Union – Speaking the Truth in Love Regarding Homosexuality (p.2)
Today we discuss the topic of homosexuality as well as provide tips for college students as they are confronted with this issue on campus.
The Student Union – The Church’s Response to the SCOTUS Decision regarding Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage
Today we discuss the Supreme Court’s decision and tips for college students as they are confronted with this issue on campus.
Law and Gospel – Ruminations, Vatican Papers, Marriage vs. Gay Marriage
(1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Vatican paper on marriage. (3) Homosexuality and gay marriage.
Law and Gospel – Homosexuality, Use of Maijuana
(1) Email on homosexuality program. (2) Email on whether we can use marijuana. (3) Caller: Genesis 4:22. (4) Caller: Donatist controversy; Valid and Effective. (5) Caller: Pentecostal prophecy.
Cross Defense – The Necessity of Pre-College Apologetics
The Necessity of Pre-College Apologetics with guest Rev. Marcus Zill, the Coordinator of LCMS U. Campus Ministry, and Campus Pastor at University of Wyoming.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Interview with Peter Kurowski on his new book, “Christianity and Homosexuality.”(2) Offered it for sale for $8.00.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Insights on a ten verse Poem of Law and Gospel written by a Presbyterian pastor who died in the 1800s. (2) Discussed Kurowski book on homosexuality.