Sharper Iron — The Righteousness of God for You: Adopted as Heirs of God without Distinction

Rev. AJ Espinosa, pastor at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Irvine, CA and host of Thy Strong Word on KFUO Radio, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Romans 8:12-17.

Thy Strong Word – Mark 3: Spirit’s True Obedience, ☧ Confronts Dead-Set Enemies

Rev. Scott Adle, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, Illinois, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Mark 3.

Sharper Iron — All Righteousness Fulfilled: Binding Beelzebul

Rev. Adam Koontz, assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Matthew 12:22-37.

Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Offerings of Joy

Rev. Chris Hull, pastor at Zion Lutheran Church in Tomball, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Exodus 25:1-9 and Exodus 35:4-29.

The Coffee Hour – Singing Hymns for Pentecost

Andy and Sarah talk with Matt Machemer, Associate Kantor at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

The Coffee Hour – First *Christian* Pentecost

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Peter Ill, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, Illinois.

Law and Gospel — Pentecost Sunday’s Hymn of the Day: LSB 497

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Pentecost Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 497, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Lectionary: Connecting the Dots for Pentecost

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Pentecost Lectionary.