Cross Defense – Picturing the Bible and the Sickness of Anti-Semitism

With host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller and guest Rev. Warren Graff

The Coffee Hour – CPH Celebrates 150 Years

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Bruce Kintz, CEO of Concordia Publishing House.

The Coffee Hour – Sharing the Gospel on KFUO in the 1960s

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Walter Loeber, who served in the Extension Department at KFUO Radio in the 1960s.

Sharper Iron: The Jesus of Real History

Rev. Chris Hull looks at John 2:1-12.

Faith & Family – Why Do We Have Creeds?

With guest Rev. Dr. William Weinrich

Faith & Family – Confirmation: History and Practice

With guests Dr. Mark Blanke, Rev. Dr. Marvin Bergman, and Mary Stafford

His Time – Worldview Watch: Dead Sea Scrolls

With guest Rev. Dr. Nathan Jastram