The Coffee Hour — Expanding the Spanish Footprint

How does the Expanding the Spanish Footprint program equip pastors for ministry? The Revs. Ted Krey and David Mommens join us!

The Coffee Hour — Hispanic Heritage Month: Hispanic Ministry in Detroit

What does Hispanic Ministry look like in Southwest Detroit? The Rev. Ricardo Granado joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Hispanic Heritage Month: Lutheran Resources in Spanish

How does the Lutheran Heritage Foundation (LHF) provide Lutheran resources for Spanish speakers? The Rev. Dr. Matthew Heise joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Hispanic Heritage Month: Ministry in Indianapolis, IN

What does Hispanic Ministry look like in the Indianapolis area? The Rev. Daniel Fickenscher shares his story!

The Coffee Hour — Hispanic Heritage Month: Ysleta Lutheran Mission

What does ministry look like along the U.S.-Mexico border? The Rev. Dr. Karl P. Heimer, founder of Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care, joins us for Hispanic Heritage Month!

The Coffee Hour — Hispanic National Convention of the LCMS

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Juan Zamora — President of the Hispanic National Convention of the LCMS.

The Coffee Hour – Hispanic Heritage Month: LCMS Hispanic National Convention

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. German Novelli, Jr. — pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and President of the LCMS Hispanic National Convention.

The Coffee Hour – Sharing the Gospel with our Spanish-speaking Neighbors

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Germán Novelli, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and President of the LCMS National Hispanic Convention.