Rev. Adam Koontz studies Hebrews 12:1-2 regarding the Christian and Jesus as athletes, the pursuit of victory, and finishing well.
Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 12: Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith
Hebrews 12: Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith with guest Rev. Dr. Joel Biermann from Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.
Morning Prayer Sermonette: Hebrews 12:1-24
Rev. Robert Steinke gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Looking Ahead: All Saints’ Day
Looking Ahead: All Saints’ Day with guest Rev. Brian Holle from Zion Lutheran Church in Bunker Hill, Illinois.
Law and Gospel – Sunday’s Lectionary
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Lectionary.
Law and Gospel – Sunday’s Lectionary and Hymn of the Day
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Lectionary and Hymn of the Day, LSB 655.
His Time – Insight Conference, Creation Club, Jesus, Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith
(1) Guests talk about Insight Conference on Stewardship for Pastors – Parish Leaders – Laity, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Robert Steinke looks at Hebrews 12:1-24 and gives today’s sermonette.
His Time – “Choose Life, But First…”, Creation Club, Jesus-Founder and Perfecter of Our Faith
(1) Dr. James Lamb talks about Lutherans for Life, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Mike Schleider looks at Hebrews 12:1-24 and gives today’s sermonette.
Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 12 “Jesus, Founder and Perfector of our Faith”
Hebrews 12 “Jesus, Founder and Perfector of our Faith” with guest Rev. Steven Theiss of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Columbia, IL.