With hosts Rev. Matt Clark and Rev. John Lukomski.
Faith’n’Family – The 7th Commandment: Plagiarism and Lutheran Housing Support
The 7th Commandment: Plagiarism and Lutheran Housing Support with guests Tim Goeglein, Fred Kimbrough, and James Kienker.
Faith’n’Family – Preview of January 2014 Edition of Lutheran Witness
Are we supposed to forgive others in our daily vocations? In our families? How do we practice forgiveness regularly? – with guests Rev. Joshua LaFeve and Dcs. Rosie Adle.
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Is your name written in pen or pencil in the Book of Life? (3) Is forgiveness complete or incomplete?
Law and Gospel
Topics of Discussion: Ruminations with Pastors Kurowski and Smith, (2) Romans 10:4 and the end of the Law?, (3) Romans 10:9 as how believers can save themselves?, (4) the difference between good works and fruit of the Holy Spirit, and (5) Two Callers with interesting questions.