Hear three pieces of advice Rev. Marcus Williams has for Lutherans who may be considering converting to Roman Catholicism or Eastern Orthodoxy.
Concord Matters — Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 4. Justification #4
Rev. John Pless joins Rev. Brady Finnern to continue our study of Justification.
Thy Strong Word — Lamentations 1: The Princess Has Become a Slave and a Widow
The Rev. Brian Heller joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Lamentations 1.
Thy Strong Word — NEW BOOK: Lamentations
Embark on a journey through the Book of Lamentations, a deeply moving poetic reflection on the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Love of Languages in Pastoral Vocation
How does a love of languages serve future church workers? Rev. Joshua Hayes talks about it.
Sharper Iron — A Letter of Comfort: God’s Inexpressible Gift
Rev. Luke Zimmerman joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study 2 Corinthians 9:6-15.
Thy Strong Word — Colossians 4: Christ is Our Savior, a Mystery Revealed
The Rev. Chris Matthis joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Colossians 4.
The Coffee Hour — 2024 March(es) for Life
Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor talks about the 2024 National Life March and upcoming state Marches.
Sharper Iron — A Letter of Comfort: Fellowship in Christian Giving
Rev. Andrew Preus joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study 2 Corinthians 8:16-9:5.
Thy Strong Word — Colossians 3: Christ is All and in All
The Rev. Benjamin Meyer joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Colossians 3.