Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 13: Sacrifices Pleasing to God

Hebrews 13: Sacrifices Pleasing to God with guest Rev. Peter Burfeind from Our Savior Lutheran Church in Union City & Agnus Dei Lutheran Church in Marshall, Michigan.

The Coffee Hour – Guide to National Youth Gathering Registration

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Derek Broten, Krista Miller, and Rev. Mark Kiessling with the LCMS Office of National Mission.

The Student Union – Apologetics and the Resurrection of Jesus (Part 1 of 2)

With guest Rev. Ian Pacey, Associate Pastor at Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas.

Sharper Iron: Love, Actually

Rev. Greg Truwe looks at 1 Corinthians 13:1-13.

Sharper Iron: Body Talk is No Metaphor

Rev. Sean Smith looks at 1 Corinthians 12:14-31.

Thy Strong Word – Hebrews 10: Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All

Hebrews 10: Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All with guest host Rev. David Boisclair, pastor of Faith and Bethesda Lutheran Churches in North St. Louis County, Missouri, and guest Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer, President of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Coffee Hour – Teaching in Taiwan

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Hannah Shull, missionary teacher in Taiwan.

The Coffee Hour – The Most Important Thing to Plan For in College

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Marcus Zill, The Chancellor of LCMSU and Director of Campus Ministry for the LCMS Office of National Mission.

Sharper Iron: Mysterious Cloudy Baptisms

Rev. Dustin Beck looks at 1 Corinthians 9:24-10:22.

The Student Union – Tips for Engaging Congregations in the Life of International Students

With guest Rebecca Wagner, LCMS National Missionary in Minneapolis, Minnesota.