The Student Union – Is Evangelism Moral?

With guest Rev. Jared DeBlieck of Trinity Lutheran Ministries in Edwardsville, Illinois.

Moments of Assurance – Liturgical Art: Jesus and the Children

Rev. Mark Hawkinson talks with guest Kelly Schumacher, liturgical artist with Agnus Dei Liturgical Arts.

The Coffee Hour – Tell the Next Generation: Family Ministry Conference

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan, President of the Missouri District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

The Coffee Hour – Ash Wednesday History and Customs

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Kent Burreson, Professor of Systematic Theology and Dean of the Chapel at Concordia Seminary St. Louis.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: Promises and Fearful Truth

Rev. Greg Truwe studies 2 Corinthians 7:1 regarding promises that are “yes” in Jesus, listening to Law and Gospel, and living lives of holiness.

Concord Matters – The Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Of Monastic Vows

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. Mike Grieve and Rev. Dan Hinton

The Coffee Hour – Writing Contest: Patiently Waiting on the Lord

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Katie Schuermann, author of books available from Concordia Publishing House and Emmanuel Press.

The Coffee Hour – How To Be A Writer

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Katie Schuermann, author of books available from Concordia Publishing House and Emmanuel Press.

Sharper Iron & The New Covenant: A Clean Yoke

Rev. Sean Kilgo studies 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 regarding clean and unclean things, what it means for God to be our Father, the perpetual childhood of the Christian, and being the temple of God.

Cross Defense – A Million Off-Ramps from the Christian Faith

With host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller and guest Rev. Brian Flamme