The Coffee Hour – Responding to Disasters

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Stephen Born, LCMS Central Illinois District LERT Coordinator

The Coffee Hour – Classical Education and Apologetics

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Steven P. Krycho, Jr., and Dr. Kurt Taylor from Concordia University Wisconsin.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Being Like Gods in All the Wrong Ways

Rev. Dr. John Bombaro studies Genesis 3:1-7 regarding the “clothing” of righteousness, the talking snake, when the fall happened, and where Adam was in all of this.

Moments of Assurance – Open Arms Inviting You In

Rev. Mark Hawkinson gives a meditation on the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15.

The Coffee Hour – Encouraging Young Entrepreneurs

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with students from Lutheran H.S. North in St. Louis, Metro East Lutheran H.S. in Edwardsville, and St. Paul Lutheran H.S. in Farmington.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: The Ancient Epidemic of Lonely

Rev. Adam Koontz studies Genesis 2:18-25 regarding marriage as the natural form of life, the role of animals in human relationships, Eve as Adam’s helper, and the proper relationship between men and women.

The Coffee Hour – Marriage and Family Conference

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Greg Truwe, pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cole Camp, Missouri.

Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Before the Flood Before the Fall

Rev. Andrew Preus studies Genesis 2:5-17 regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the Spirit hovering over the waters, making man out of the dust, the pre-flood landscape, and what’s going on with the lack of rain.

World Lutheran News Digest – Photojournalism in Papua New Guinea

With guest Erik Lunsford, managing photojournalist for the LCMS.

The Student Union – Ten Podcasts that Every College Student Should Subscribe To

With guest Jordon L. Vaughan, compiler of Lutheran Audio Review.