Today, Andy talks with Jay and Sofia Lyons, filmmakers sharing the story of Kara Tippets, “The Long Goodbye.”
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Seven, Forty and the Unexpected
Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt studies Genesis 7:1-16 regarding the New Testament’s use of Noah as a warning for evil times, all of the numbers in this text and why they matter, the Ark as a type of the Church, and how the flood relates to Baptism.
Thy Strong Word – Ezekiel 33: Ezekiel is Israel’s Watchman
Ezekiel 33: Ezekiel is Israel’s Watchman with guest Rev. Steven Theiss, retired pastor in Frohna, Missouri.
The Coffee Hour – Life Among the Pagans
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Joel Elowsky, professor of Historical Theology at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: All Waters are a Blessed Flood
Rev. Dr. Adam Filipek studies Genesis 6:11-22 regarding how the Flood is used as a reminder throughout scripture as a reminder of God’s judgment, how all the animals fit on the ark and how we have all the animals we have today, and the relation of the Flood to Baptism.
Free To Be Faithful – Preserving the Sanctity of Life
With guest Pastor Roger Drinnon of Southern Illinois.
The Coffee Hour – Sharathon 2019 Preview!
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Mary Schmidt, Manager of Development for KFUO Radio.
The Coffee Hour – Clergy Housing Allowance Upheld in Court
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Larry Hansen, an attorney in the Chicago office of Locke Lord LLP.
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Angels and Rock People
Rev. Sean Daenzer studies Genesis 6:1-10 regarding who the Nephilim are and the legends involving them, the attractions of sinful nature versus what is God-pleasing, the limiting of man’s life, and previewing the destruction of man and animals during the flood.