Rev. Wayne Huebner, pastor of Salem Lutheran Church in Affton, Missouri, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 15.
The Coffee Hour – The Family Altar
Sarah talks with Rev. Greg Truwe, pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cole Camp, Missouri.
The Coffee Hour – Bridges and Bottle Rockets: Family STEM Activities
Sarah talks with Nikki Kueck, principal at Faith Lutheran High School of Central Texas
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Pastor Fisk Passes the Torch
Rev. Greg Truwe studies Genesis 44:14-45:3 regarding whether Joseph could actually perform divination, Judah’s confession and act of sacrifice, Joseph’s role in Egyptian governance, and the consequences of Joseph revealing himself to his brothers. Rev. Fisk also passes the hosting baton to Rev. Timothy Appel, who begins hosting July 1, 2019.
Concord Matters – Contrition and Repentance: The Smalcald Articles
The Smalcald Articles in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Joshua Scheer and guests Rev. Andy Wright and Rev. Andrew Preus
Thy Strong Word – Numbers 14: The People Rebel
Rev. John Lukomski, retired pastor in Northfield, Minnesota, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 14.
The Coffee Hour – Vocation: [_____]’s Wife
Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger, former editor of the Lutheran Witness and now Navy Chaplain’s wife.
The Coffee Hour – Winning Summer Family Budgeting
Sarah talks with Kristen Whirrett, blogger at
Sharper Iron & Truth in Genesis: Innocence and Hidden Sin
Rev. Sean Kilgo studies Genesis Joseph’s testing of his brothers, the troubled consciences of Joseph’s brothers, trusting in the midst of calamities, and confessing secret sins and getting what’s not deserved.
Cross Defense – God Shed His Blood to Turn You Around (Rebroadcast)
With host Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller and guest Rev. Sean Daenzer