Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Matt Hoffmann, pastor of St. Andrews Lutheran Church & School in Park Ridge, Illinois.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: When God Sets a Time
Rev. Timothy Koch studies Exodus 9:1-12 regarding the plague against Egypt’s livestock and the plague of boils, including the way the LORD identifies Himself with His people even in their slavery, the importance of the LORD setting a time, and the voice of the LORD through His messengers.
Moments of Assurance – Confessing Christ No Matter What
Rev. Mark Hawkinson gives a meditation on Daniel 3.
Wrestling With the Basics – Soldiers, Athletes, and Farmers
With hosts Rev. Matt Clark and Rev. John Lukomski.
Thy Strong Word – Numbers 35: Cities to Escape the Redeemer
Rev. Simon Volkmar, pastor of Great Church of the Cross with the Independent Evangelical—Lutheran Church (SELK) in Hermansburg, Germany, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 35.
The Coffee Hour – Rev. Dr. Charles Cortright from Synod Convention 2019
Andy and Sarah share an interview with Kip Allen and Rev. Dr. Charles Cortright from the 67th Regular Convention of the LCMS.
The Coffee Hour – Lutes and Lutherans
Andy and Sarah talk with Christa Goodwin, with St Paul’s Music Conservatory in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Sharper Iron & The Saga of Salvation: Truth Flies in the Face of Power
Rev. Matt Wietfeldt studies Exodus 8:20-32 regarding the fourth plague, the way the LORD uses flies to show the foolishness of Egyptian idolatry, and the way the Church proclaims both Law and Gospel to the world while interceding for them in prayer.
Thy Strong Word – Numbers 34: Scary Big Borders
Rev. Doug Nicely, pastor of Jerusalem Lutheran Church in Collinsville, Illinois, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Numbers 34.