Sharper Iron — The Righteousness of God for You: Preachers Sent by God Have Beautiful Feet

Rev. Philip Hoppe, pastor at Peace Lutheran Church in Finlayson, MN and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Bruno, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Romans 10:14-21.

The Student Union – Repentance, Prayer, and Joyful Hymnody in Times of Plague and Pestilence (Rebroadcast)

With guest Rev. Sean Daenzer, Director of Worship for the LCMS and chaplain of the LCMS International Center.

Thy Strong Word – Mark 10: No Difficult Terms, Come to ☧ as Children & Bartimaeus

Rev. Dr. Martin Noland, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in San Mateo, California, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Mark 10.

The Coffee Hour – Missionary Update from the Youngs in Kenya during COVID-19 Pandemic

Andy and Sarah talk with Krista Young, who serves the Lord in Kenya.

The Coffee Hour – Missionary Update from the Osiros in Kenya during COVID-19 Pandemic

Andy and Sarah talk with Shara and Michael Osiro, serving the Lord in Kenya.

Sharper Iron — The Righteousness of God for You: Listen to the Righteousness Based on Faith

Rev. Dr. Adam Filipek, pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church and Immanuel Lutheran Church in Lidgerwood, ND, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Romans 10:5-13.

Concord Matters – A Great Mystery of the Church

The Formula of Concord in the Book of Concord – With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Peter Ill

Thy Strong Word – Mark 9: Suffering, Saved, and Vocal As Elijah, Childlike Faith in ☧

Rev. Nabil Nour, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford, South Dakota, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study Mark 9.

The Coffee Hour – Missionary Update from the Rabes in Ethiopia during COVID-19 Pandemic

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Mark and Stefanie Rabe, who serve the Lord as missionaries in Ethiopia.

The Coffee Hour – Missionary Update from the Stinnetts in Ethiopia during COVID-19 Pandemic

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Eric and Johanna Stinnett, who serve the Lord as missionaries in Ethiopia.