Sharper Iron — Psalms of Thanksgiving – Psalm 138: The Lowly Give Thanks to the Exalted Lord

Rev. Shawn Linnell joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 138. 

Thy Strong Word — John 8:12-59: Jesus Doubles and Triples Down on his Divine Identity

The Rev. Sean Smith joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 8:12-59. 

The Coffee Hour — Ministry Focus

How does Ministry Focus support the Lord’s work through financially supporting church workers? The Rev. Ken Krueger, President of Ministry Focus, joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Church of the Week: Peace Lutheran Lemay

We’re celebrating our Church of the Week— Peace Lutheran (Lemay) in St. Louis!

Sharper Iron — Psalms of Thanksgiving – Psalm 136: The Refrain of Thanksgiving

Rev. David Vandercook joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 136. 

Cross Defense — Adoptionism: Then and Now (Rebroadcast)

Pastor Bramwell discusses the 2nd-century heresy of adoptionism and how it is still alive and actively held by Unitarians today.

Concord Matters — Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 24. The Mass, Part 2

Rev. Dr. Jason Lane joins Rev. Brady Finnern to continue our study of the Mass.

Thy Strong Word — John 8:1-11: Testing the Rabbi Reveals the Redeemer

The Rev. Jeremy Klaustermeier joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 8:1-11. 

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: Ministry Vocations as Lifestyle

How is ministry more of a lifestyle than a profession? Lutheran school principal Kathy Chapin joins us on the show to share her story!

Sharper Iron — Psalms of Thanksgiving – Psalm 111: Thanksgiving from A to Z

Rev. Merritt Demski joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Psalm 111.