Benjamin Kolodziej talks about diving into LCMS Church Music from 1847-1947 and some initial findings from 1847-1860.
Sharper Iron — The New Covenant in Christ: The Sprinkled Blood of Jesus Speaks a Better Word
Rev. Sean Kilgo, pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Lawrence, KS, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Hebrews 12:18-29.
Thy Strong Word — Mark 8:1-21: Jesus: Master of Abundance
The Rev. Kevin Parviz, pastor of Congregation Chai v’ Shalom in St. Louis, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Mark 8:1-21.
The Coffee Hour — LCMS Ukraine Refugee Grant Program
Deaconess Lorraine Roach gives an update on the Ukraine Refugee Grant Program grants that are still available.
The Coffee Hour — Church of the Week: Good Shepherd Arnold
Rev. Warren Woerth talks about how Good Shepherd serves the local community in Arnold.
Sharper Iron — The New Covenant in Christ: God Disciplines Us as His Sons
Rev. William Terjesen, pastor at the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in Peekskill, NY, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Hebrews 12:3-17.
Thy Strong Word — Mark 7:24-37: We Are All Dogs, This is True
The Rev. Doug Minton, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Milford, IL, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Mark 7:24-37.
The Coffee Hour – LW Searching Scripture “Imitation of Christ” November 2023: Philippians 3:17–4:7
Rev. Anthony Oliphant talks about the “Searching Scripture” feature in the November 2023 issue of the Lutheran Witness.
Sharper Iron — The New Covenant in Christ: Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
Rev. Dr. Ryan Tietz, Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology and Dean of Students at Concordia Theological Seminary in Ft. Wayne, IN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Hebrews 12:1-2.
Cross Defense — Stick to the Plain (not Simplistic) Meaning of the Text
Hear all about the hermeneutic principle of sticking to the plain meaning of the Bible’s text.