The Coffee Hour — Sharing Jesus’ Love in Hong Kong

Deaconess Carol Halter talks about being an evangelistic missionary among the Chinese people in Hong Kong since 1981.

Sharper Iron — Nothing But Christ Crucified: Concerning the Work of the Spirit

Rev. Jeremiah Johnson, pastor at Glory of Christ Lutheran Church in Plymouth, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

Cross Defense — Contraception and a Pre-1960s America

What do Republican and Democrat party platforms say about abortion and contraception?

Concord Matters — Greeting to the Apology of the Augsburg Confession

Dr. Ryan Macpherson joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study the background, history, and Melanchthon’s greeting to the Apology.

Thy Strong Word — Micah 7: Wait for the God of Salvation

The Rev. Dr. Brian Kachelmeier, pastor of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Micah 7.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Deaconess Ministry

Deaconess Amy Rast, Deaconess Dr. Gillian M. Bond, and Deaconess Kristin Wassilak talk about formation as a Deaconess.

Sharper Iron — Nothing But Christ Crucified: Worthy Reception of the Body and Blood of the Lord

Rev. Dustin Beck, pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Warda, TX, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.

Thy Strong Word — Micah 6: The Indictment of the Lord

The Rev. Dr. Benjamin Squires, pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church in Gurnee, IL, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Micah 6.

The Coffee Hour — Navidad: A Journey to Bethlehem at Concordia University Irvine

Dr. Jeff Held talks about the exciting PBS Christmas concert broadcast from Concordia University Irvine.

The Coffee Hour — Christmas Celebrations with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

Jennifer Nitchman shares about the exciting Christmas celebrations with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.