Today we cover the Fourth Commandment, parents, mothers, fathers, kids, good works, new monasticism, bosses, pastors, government, youth work, and carthusians.
Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession Article I
With guests Rev. Heath Curtis, Rev. Nathan Meador, and Rev. Daniel Hinton. Hosted by Rev. Joshua Scheer.
Thy Strong Word – John 8 “I am the Light of the World”
John 8 “I am the Light of the World” with guest Rev. Thomas Eckstein of Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, ND.
Law and Gospel – Contradictions in the Bible, Father vs. Son
(1) Insight on what denominations appears to be contradicted by the Bible more than any other? (2) Luke 12:51-53 about father vs son, etc. (3) Caller: Child porn by a pastor.
Concord Matters – Finishing the Close of the Commandments, Introduction to Creeds, First Article of the Creed
With guests Rev. Daniel Hinton and Rev. Gaven Mize.
Faith’n’Family – The Vocation of Father: Rev. Dr. Rod Rosenbladt
The Vocation of Father: Rev. Dr. Rod Rosenbladt.