Concord Matters for the Confessional Family

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. John Hill

A Moment for the Family: New Year, Same Pandemic

Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary discuss navigating the persisting challenges of the pandemic as a family by focusing on God’s promises. 

A Moment for the Family: Holiday Family Time Fun Factor

 How do we increase the fun factor in family time during the holidays in this difficult year?

A Moment for the Family: Sharing the Joy of the Season

Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary talk about ways for families to share the joy of the season during a pandemic. 

The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Building Identity

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.

A Moment for the Family: A Time for Giving

Mary and Gary discuss how December is the month of giving and how giving may be a bit different during a pandemic.

A Moment for the Family: Holiday Traditions

Mary and Gary talk about holiday traditions that will help us in this year of Covid to help us get into the holiday spirit.

A Moment for the Family: Food, Family, and Blessings

Dr. Mary Manz Simon discusses ideas for surviving Thanksgiving during a pandemic. 

The Coffee Hour – Bringing Advent Home

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Daenzer, Director of Worship for the LCMS and International Center Chaplain.

The Coffee Hour – Jesse Tree: Advent 2020 from CPH (Rebroadcast)

Andy and Sarah talk with Lisa Clark, Senior Editor for Curriculum Resources with Concordia Publishing House.