With guests Holly Scheer, Nicole Ridley, Rev. John Albers, and Fred Kimbrough.
Faith’n’Family – Black Ministry Family Convocation; Missionary Robin McCoy
With guests Rev. Roosevelt Gray, Rev. Christopher Bodley, and Robin McCoy.
Faith’n’Family – Lent and Easter 101; Film Review – The Case for Christ
With guests Rev. Christopher Seifferlein and Rev. Chad Hoover
Faith’n’Family – Bethesda College of Applied Learning; Concordia Seminary Wives and Call Day
With guests Bobby Kuske, and Dr. Wanda Routier from Bethesda, and Celina Haupt and seminary wives Kelsey, Krista, and Kyla from Concordia Seminary.
Faith’n’Family – Safeguarding Marriage; The Illuminated Catechism
With guests Rev. Hans Fiene and Dr. Tony Cook
Faith’n’Family – Lutherans Engage in Togo
With guests Peter Slayton and Erik Lunsford.
Faith’n’Family – Deaconess Mercy Expedition to Peru
With guests Deaconess Grace Rao, Deaconess Dr. Gillian Bond, and CSL Deacones studetns Rachell Highley, Bridgette Sharp, and Michele Musegades.
Faith’n’Family – Hidden Figures & Vocation
With guests Dr. Gillian Bond and Dr. Kathy Brandon
Faith’n’Family – Internships for Your Future
With guests Micah Middendorf and Jerry Pinotti
Faith’n’Family – Christian Friends of New Americans; National Volutneer Month; Sharathon!
With guests Joanie Harwell, Rev. Dr. Stanish Stanley, Maureen Lenz, Mary Schmidt, and Rev. Mark Hawkinson.