God’s Mission Here: S6Ep3. Entering Lutheran Worship | Rev. Roy Askins

Hear about the collaboration between LCMS Worship and the Lutheran Witness in 2024 and 2025 to help everyone join in the Divine Service with faith and understanding.

God’s Mission Here: S6Ep2. The House of God’s Word: Scripture, Prayer and Discipleship | Rev. Christopher Nuttelman

Hear about how God’s Word (especially the Psalms) forms our daily life of prayer and worship as disciples of Christ.

God’s Mission Here: S6Ep1. An Introduction to LCMS Worship | Rev. Daniel Galchutt and Rev. Sean Daenzer

Hear about how LCMS Worship cultivates a deep understanding of, and appreciation for, the heart of God’s mission among us – His gift of Word and Sacraments in the Divine Service.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S6Ep5. Protecting the Christian Conscience in the Civic Realm | Rev. Dr. Christopher Thoma

Rev. Dr. Christopher Thoma joins Steph to talk about the First Amendment, religious liberty, and protecting the Christian conscience in the civic realm.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S6Ep4. Tips for Talking to Kids About the Election | Rev. Noah & Becky Rogness

Rev. Noah and Becky Rogness join Steph to talk about how parents, teachers, and youth workers can talk to kids about the election, encourage civic involvement, and model calm when the nation is anxious.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S6Ep3. Civil Christians: How Christians Can Shape Society | Tim Goeglein

Join Steph and guest Tim Goeglein as they talk about how Christians can change the tide of society and government by faithful engagement in the civic realm.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life, Health and Family Ministries: S6Ep2. Beyond the Polls: Christians in the Civic Realm | Rev. Graham Glover

Join Steph and guest Rev. Graham Glover as they talk about the role of Christians in the civic realm, Christians and voting, and how Christians can influence government and civil issues beyond the polls.

God’s Mission Here: S5Ep4. Prison Ministry | Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Nehrt

“The message of the Gospel is for all people, even those who are incarcerated and connected with the prison system.”

God’s Mission Here: S5Ep3. Service of Mercy: A Deaconess’s Perspective on Specialized Care | Deac. Raquel Rojas

“We share the love of Christ with listening ears, heart, and mind and receive what they (those in our care) give to us in return.”