{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Iron Ladle Challenge: Best of the Bars Tournament!

Our intrepid kitchen scientist Erin wanted to know: Which is the undisputed queen of dessert bars on the Lutheran potluck table?  

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Our Favorites, Revisited: Mardi Gras!

Sarah looks back (laughing) at her all-time-favorite Trivia Challenge, in which she got to show off her rarified knowledge of how to spell “pączki.”  

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Our Favorites, Revisited: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness

Erin revisits an unforgettable conversation with Elizabeth Entenmann, recorded in October 2021 to commemorate Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. 

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Our Favorites, Revisited: The Great Jell-O® Episode!

Rachel takes us back to May, 2020—the height of the pandemic lockdown—remembering with appreciation an episode that not only brought laughter to lonely days but also epitomized a classic feature of Lutheran life and fellowship.  

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Bri’s Greatest Hits #4: Financial Peace University Radio Theatre 

Bri and the Ladies explore fiscal responsibility and ways to spend wisely during tight financial times through five brief comedy sketches inspired by Dave Ramsey’s popular Financial Peace University program.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Write This: 200 Episodes, 31 Hymn Stanzas, 1 Tribute to Faithful Women

It’s our 200th episode — and to celebrate, our faithful Lutheran Ladies (and their faithful listener friends) are creating new stanzas for Herman Stuempfle’s hymn “For All the Faithful Women” (LSB 855).