Our topic this week is Holy Baptism. Pastor Doug Shares that in Romans we read that we are baptized into the death of Christ. Therefore, just as Christ is resurrected, we too will walk in the newness of life.
A Moment of Faith: The Seventh Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
How does God deliver us from evil?
A Moment of Faith: The Sixth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
What does “lead us not into temptation” mean?
A Moment of Faith: The Fifth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
What does “forgive us our trespasses” mean?
A Moment of Faith: The Fourth Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
What is meant by daily bread?
A Moment of Faith: The Third Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
How is God’s will done?
A Moment of Faith: The Second Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
How does God’s kingdom come?
A Moment of Faith: The First Petition of the Lord’s Prayer
How is God’s name kept holy?
A Moment of Faith: Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer
How does Jesus teach us to pray?
A Moment of Faith: The Third Article of the Apostles’ Creed
What do we believe about the Holy Spirit and faith?