Concord Matters – Large Catechism 3rd and 4th Commandment

With guests Pr. Bruce Von Hindenburg and Dr. Kevin Armbrust.

Concord Matters – 3rd Commandment in the Large Catechism

Host Rev. Craig Donofrio and guests Rev. Nathan Meador and Rev. Patrick Oneal talks about the Sabbath, worship, church, and the Divine Service.

Concord Matters – Augsburg Confession, Article XXVIII

Today we talk about traditions, sabbath, doctrine, Sundays, head coverings, freedom, gospel, righteousness of faith, worship, divine service, ceremonies, blood, Leviticus, and more…

Concord Matters – The Third Commandment of the Small Catechism

The Third Commandment of the Small Catechism — with guests James Fickenscher and Jerry Wulf.