Rev. Andrew Jagow, pastor at Bethany Lutheran Church in Alexandria, VA, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Luke 23:1-25.
The Coffee Hour – Baptism of Jesus; Baptized for You.
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Peter Ill, Senior Pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, Illinois.
Thy Strong Word – John 19: Jesus Delivered to be Crucified
Rev. Mark Kiessling, Director of Youth Ministry with the LCMS Office of National Mission, joins host Rev. AJ Espinosa to study John 19.
Thy Strong Word – Mark 15: Jesus Delivered to Pilate
Mark 15: Jesus Delivered to Pilate with guest Rev. Ken Wagener from Trinity Lutheran Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Sharper Iron: One Son of the Father for Another
Rev. Sean Daenzer looks at Mark 15:1-15.
Thy Strong Word – John 19 “Jesus Delivered to Be Crucified”
John 19 “Jesus Delivered to Be Crucified” with guest Rev. Curtis Deterding of Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, FL.