Whether superstition or false belief, let’s repent and turn to the Lord. We fear, love and trust in Him above all things.
The Coffee Hour – Hear Our Prayer: Family Devotions (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Sean Daenzer, worship director for the LCMS and International Center chaplain.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Writing for Lutherans Part 2: Tell the Truth
Don’t hold back. Look to Jesus. Look all around you. Then tell it like it is.
The Coffee Hour – Chosen: A Study of Esther
Andy and Sarah talk with Donna Snow, author of several Bible studies available from Concordia Publishing House.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Pure Christ: How to Read the Bible
The heart of Scripture beats in the person of Jesus.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Return to the Word
Why, then, “Return to the Word”? His Word is a lamp to our feet that guides us on the path of His righteousness.
The Coffee Hour – Searching the Scriptures: February 2021 Lutheran Witness
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Roy Askins, Managing Editor of The Lutheran Witness.
The Coffee Hour – Praying Colors, Morning and Evening (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger—writer, editor, home-educator, mom, wife to US Navy Chaplain, and co-host of The Lutheran Ladies Lounge podcast.