Rev. Dr. James Baneck and Michael Ten Clay talk about the upcoming Set Apart to Serve Town Hall.
The Coffee Hour — Heresies Ancient and Modern
Rev. Roy Askins talks through some heresies we may recognize from the culture around us.
The Coffee Hour — Missions Unpacked for Kids: The Church Lives!
Anne Gonzalez, DCE, and Deaconess Intern Stephanie Hovland talk about Missions Unpacked for Kids from the LCMS Office of International Mission.
The Coffee Hour — New Opportunities for Music and Volunteering at Lutheran Senior Services
Emily Sitzes and Diane Sinclair talk about new opportunities at Lutheran Senior Services.
The Coffee Hour — Facilitating Lutheran Resources and Relationships in Japan
Rev. Dr. Daniel Jastram talks about his service as a missionary in Japan.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Hispanic Ministry in the United States
Rev. Juan Zamora talks about Hispanic Ministry in the U.S. and how the Hispanic Missionary League is addressing church worker recruitment.
The Coffee Hour — LCMS Campus Ministry and LCMSU
Rev. Richard Woelmer and Julianna Shults talk about the importance of campus ministry and how to connect to one.
The Coffee Hour — CUC Deaconess Students Visit the Dominican Republic
Deaconess Kristin Wassilak, Katie Kaufmann, and Deaconess Danelle Putnam talk about the CUC Deaconess trip to the Dominican Republic.