Andy talks with Rev. Trevor Sutton, Pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church in Lansing, Michigan.
The Coffee Hour – Presbyterians Rescue Early Lutheran Immigrants
Andy talks with Warren Schmidt of the Lutheran Heritage Center and Museum.
The Coffee Hour – Prayerfully Consider CTSFW
Andy talks with Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt, Director of Admissions at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The Coffee Hour – Rally Week Day Sponsor: Bob Pierret
Andy and guest co-host Rev. Marcus Zill talk with Bob Pierret, KFUO Radio Day Sponsor.
The Coffee Hour – College is Tough. You Need Jesus.
Andy talks with Rev. Marcus Zill, the Chancellor of LCMS U.
The Coffee Hour – Serving the Lord in the Czech Republic
Andy and Sarah talk with Cindy Wrucke, who serves the Lord in the Czech Republic.
The Coffee Hour – Rally Week Day Sponsor: Lail Tornetto
Andy talks with Lail Tornetto, KFUO Radio Day Sponsor.
The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Mondays!
Andy talks with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.