How do new pastors and their families find mutual encouragement and support? PALS Facilitators Rev. Steve Wagner and Rev. David and Kassie Weaver join us!
The Coffee Hour — Pilgrims, Puritans & New England: Ep. 2 – Plymouth Plantation
What happened when Separatists from the Church of England left for North America? The Rev. Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie joins us for Episode 2 of our series “Pilgrims, Puritans, and the Founding of New England.”
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: LCMS Youth Gathering
How does the LCMS National Youth Gathering feed and nourish the faith and vocations of the participants?
The Coffee Hour — English Bible Camp: Taiwan
How can you serve at the upcoming English Bible Camp in Taiwan?
The Coffee Hour — Partner Church Requests New Seminary in Taiwan
How can theological education strengthen the Lutheran church in Taiwan and beyond?
The Coffee Hour — Pilgrims, Puritans & New England: Ep. 1 – The Puritan Movement
Why did the the Puritan movement start, and when did Puritans decide to travel to the New World? The Rev. Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie joins us for a nine-episode series on “Pilgrims, Puritans, and the Founding of New England.”
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: Young Adults, Art, and Architecture
Why is it important to provide young adults with a space to grow in theological understanding?
The Coffee Hour — Concordia University System
Why do we have a Concordia University System? The Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy and Rev. Dr. Douglas Spittel join us!
The Coffee Hour — Short Term Mission Opportunity: South Africa!
You have the opportunity to serve on a short term mission trip to South Africa for Bible Camp!
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Joy in Teaching at a Lutheran High School (Rebroadcast)
What is the joy in teaching at a Lutheran High School? Rev. Joe Cox share his story!